Monday, April 11, 2011

Member Spotlight!!!! Minnow007

"I swear I'll never kill again.....cause I am Da One” -Minnow007

Secret Origin
Da One

As a kid he would dream of one day being a superhero, always acting like Batman and Superman. He would follow from their example by saving cats stuck in trees and helping old ladies cross the street. But as he grew he started to realize that he was no superhero.

He couldn’t fly, couldn’t jump or super speed. But he always thought one day….he would be “DA ONE”, but that day never came. And like most kids his age he let his dream slip away.

Before he knew it he was a 20 year old man who didn’t save cats anymore or help people, but just became your average Joe with a nine to five job.

One day he received a call from his father with some bad news.

“Your mother was getting off work and walking to her car when these two guys came up to her and shot her for her wallet. She’s not doing too good….she’s holding on by a thin thread.”

As the days went by all he could think of is that if he had the power he could have done something to save her.

As the days turned to weeks and the weeks to months, he began to find solace in booze. His mind dominated by thoughts of things he could have done to save her.

The Fateful Day

Then one fateful day while binging at a new bar, he heard some loud mouths bragging about what they did a few months ago.

“Hey remember when we killed that lady walking to her car after work? How funny was it when she was begging for her life and for her son to save her? Yah…that was such a rush….we should do it again tonight.”

When he heard that he knew they were taking about his mother and knew this must be fate, he shall have his revenge. He left the bar and walked next door to the gun store (he was in a bad part of the hood). He walked out within minutes with his new gun. Not to waste any time he prepared the gun as he stormed into the bar. But the men where gone.

When he asked the bartender what happened to the men, he was warned about how dangerous those men were and that he shouldn’t go looking for them. Ignoring the bartender’s advice he stormed out hoping to check a glimpse of the men.

The men were no where to be found, but in the distance he heard a cry. As he went to investigate, he saw the two men from the bar raping a young woman.

The kid shouted “Hey yous! Stop! What are you doing? Now I must kill yous!” The kid pulls out the gun his hand barely able to keep the pistol steady.

One of the men turns and says “Oooo your going to kill us? Come on kid lets see what you got and shoot. Come on now I killed your mother!”

The kid lifts the gun and brings the mans head into his sights and says “this is for you mom.” And pulls the trigger.

Nothing happens.

The man quickly moves and disarms the kid. “Stupid kid you forgot to take the safety off.” So the kid then starts to run saying... “help.... Some one help me please!” But no one is around to hear, so he makes his way into an abandoned warehouse.

He runs into a dead end and before he can back track he sees men approach.

The kid sees a small insect above his head. As it got closer he realizes its not a insect, but a tiny metal bug. The bug flys around the kid sizing him up and strikes with lighting speed and bites the kid.

The next thing the kid knew he was surrounded by the thugs. Any hope that he would survive was gone.
“You can’t get a way from us kid, just face your maker and take it like a man.”

Tears form and start to run down the kid’s cheek and the kid falls to his knees, no longer able to hold himself up.

“but……you killed my mother….” Barely able to get the words out.

“Don’t take it so personal kid, we kill a lot of people and now you’re going to see your mother real soon.”

The kid closes his eyes and accepts his destiny.

He mumbles something, but it can’t be heard over the gun’s blast.

The kid feels a sharp pain in his chest and falls over.

Seconds go by and the kid lays there waiting for death to take him away. He realizes there is no pain in his chest anymore and opens his eyes. Lying next to him is a bent bullet on the ground.

He kid gets up to his feet and looks at his shirt. As clear as day there is a bullet hole in the middle of his shirt, but no blood.

Thinking they missed, the thugs unload their pistols on the kid. The kid’s eyes flash white and ice forms around his body.

As the bullets bounce off his skin the kid thinks

did that lil bug give me powers..... no you have to be born with them.....

he looks up and says “now you’re mine”

The kid moves with uncanny speed and grabs the thugs by the necks and said “now you must die”....he breaks their necks with out even thinking twice...

As he looks at their bodies he says

“mom I got them, I just wish I had this power sooner......and I swear I'll never kill again.....cause I am Da One”

As the Da One is leaving the ware house he thinks

what kind of powers do I have can I fly run fast.. Super strong ....have to work on it. Do I tell any body?  What do I do?  I know I must find super man and batman they will help me.

At that same moment his dad calls him

“hey son I got great new they got they guys that kill your mother”


must wait next week for the stunning conclusion to Da One

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