Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Its been 6 days now since we have been cut off from the world of DCUO.

Sources close to Sony says that Brianic hired some Hackers to infiltrate SONY's servers.

With the Servers down all DCUO heroes have been cut off from the world they swore to protect.

Chaos has reins in the street. Justice has long been forsaken.

With the Market in scambles the only ones still with a Job in DCUO is the post office, due to the overload in Auction House items that has been returned by mail.

With Rare Collections spawning across the Cities, DCUO has become a unreachable Treasure.

Some heroes have moved onto the world of the portal or joined another epic battle of Third Gear of War(xbox beta).

One thing remains on everyones minds....When will the heroes return to bring justice to a once great city.

If your a Hero still looking to fight the battle against Brainic Post your comments below.


  1. Yea that's messed up.
    Another week of downtime would suck

  2. Minnow007 ..... Don't worry heroes da one will be there and take back are city and fight for drugs...and beer and hookers....".

  3. I all ready feel safer. Psn back up by this weekend-Sony
    I wouldn't hold my breathe

  4. Yah... I got the email from PlayStation, same one that Max Power posted.

    I hope it gets fixed sooner than later.

  5. I didn't get nothing cause I for got my email I gave,,,,I read that when psn comes back up that they want you to chane your pass word I forgot the pass word to minnow007 lol..just all fuck up

  6. Hey guys this is Zilot here hate to say i got robed again and the son of a bitch stole my Ps3 again so im gonna be gone for a while hopefully till next month ill be back keep up the fight
