Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Christen Thee TIER 2.5!!

I might get alot of shit for this, but whatever. So im in Inner Batcave with the League and the 2nd Boss drops some tank Feet. At first I didn't care because i already owned some feet i got from Kahndaq or outer (not sure which). Then i looked at the stats. See for your self, also you can see same style, different name

Tier 2.5 vs Tier 1.5

Tier 1.5

Tier 2.5

As you can see every stat goes up between the two except Dominance (Increase of 10)

So i feel confident since there is an increase all 3 of the 5 stats (one stays the same) it is not a variation with different stats.

A variation would have 100 power increase with 50 decrease in might while the variation would have 50 increase in might with a 100 power decrease.

This is not the case.

Only dominance goes up by 10 (which is the  roughly the same amount of Tier 2 dominance) 

which is nothing compared to getting both health and defence increase.

Now to Compare Tier 2 vs Tier 2.5

Tier 2

Tier 2.5

As you can see with Tier 2.5 I gain health, defence, and power(not bad for raid gear)
With Tier 2 the only thing i gain is 1 precision and 11 Dominance

For a tank Health and Defence is everything which is why Tier 2.5 is better than Tier 2 (i only get 11 dominance) below is a comparision, telling me what i get if i buy TIER 2 Feet

The big difference is Dominance. It is huge for a Tank, but i have gone from 500 dominance to 600 dominance and saw no change in my stuns. So losing 10 dominance is no big deal if i get an increase in health, defence and power.

These stats might be different for other roles.
Controllers might get crazy Vit or Healers might get crazy Restor

I also have Tier 2.5 shoulders that increase most of my stats compared to Tier 2

For me i will stick with my Tier 2.5 feet and shoulders and save my marks for when Tier 3 comes out.

What do you think? Better than Tier 2 or not?

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